Public Deliverables

This section provides access to the project’s public deliverables. Documents will be made available here as soon as they are finalized and approved for public release.

Deliverable name



D4.1 Persona matrix v.1

As a first step towards curricula for upskilling professionals in reactive response measures , personas are identified. Personas are well-thought-out representatives of professionals with specific education, experiences and skills needs.

D5.1 Metadata repository v1

This document outlines the development and implementation of the SpaceSUITE metadata schema, ensuring that all training materials to be created are thoroughly described.

D7.1 SpaceSUITE’s online community

This document outlines the SpaceSUITE project’s online community, covering its visual identity, website, social media presence, promotional materials, and newsletter campaign strategy.

D7.2 Communication and Dissemination Strategy Plan

This document describes communication objectives, target audiences, key messages, and a comprehensive communication plan. Also stablishes key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the effectiveness of the project’s communication and dissemination efforts.