SpaceSUITE wants to promote such a day by highlighting the scientific work of women and encouraging girls to pursue careers in science.

February 11th has been declared the International Day of Women and Girls in Science by the United Nations.

Two of the many goals of the SpaceSUITE project are to facilitate the task of awakening STEAM vocations and support those involved in promotion efforts so they can incorporate gender, diversity, and social impact dimensions into their STEAM vocation promotion activities.

Find below some testimonials from women working in the SpaceSUITE project.

“It is never too early to start a scientific career in the field of GNSS!”
My daughter emulating her mama 🙂
Let us be the example to engage new generations of girls into following a scientific career.

Assoc. Prof. Angela Aragon-Angel, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
For Women and Girls:
Science has no gender, but it does have a future, and that future is YOU! Dare to discover it and enjoy it!
Curiosity has no limits, and knowledge knows no barriers. Be the scientist, engineer, or mathematician you want to be! The world needs YOU!
Espe Amezketa, Scientist

PhD defended—begun under a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship—now, next experiment: a baby on the way!
Who says science and motherhood cannot mix?

Martyna Stelmaszczuk-Górska, Postdoctoral Researcher
For Women and Girls:
“The women who changed the world,
have never needed to show
anything but their intelligence.”
By Rita L. Montalcini
Silvia Bianchini, Assoc. Prof. in Engineering Geology

As leaders in Earth Observation, we must never forget the journey that brought us here, always reflecting on who helped us rise and, more importantly, who is still missing from the table.

Dr. Flávia de Souza Mendes, DEJI

Girls and women should aim high and dream as big as they wish!

There is plenty of space for us in the space sector

Women in Copernicus

For Women and Girls:

Almost 30 years of dedication and expertise in Earth Observation, inspiring countless colleagues who have joined this journey along the way.

Francesca Albanese and Daniela Iasillo, Planetek Italia

Science and technology offer endless opportunities to make the world a better place.
When choosing the space sector, sky is not the limit… it’s only the beginning!

Beatriz Basterra Beroiz, physicist, Ph.D., Tracasa Global

For all women and girls,

There is space for your unique contribution!

You can navigate STE(A)M through many pathways, and your “brick” matters for the construction of a better world!

Miriam Rosa, Researcher and professor

The SpaceSUITE team at the University of Salzburg is dominated by women, who all took on the challenge to work in a STEAM field.

Dear girls and women: together we are strong and we are many!

University of Salzburg

At EARSC, we’re proud to have a strong team of talented women driving innovation in the Earth Observation sector!

From technology and policy to industry development, their contributions are shaping the future of EO.

To all the girls out there—your skills, ideas, and perspectives are needed in technical fields!

Never hesitate to pursue a career in STEM—the EO industry is growing, and there’s a place for you in it!


It is never too late to come back to your first passion for science!

For Women and Girls: never think science is not for you, even if your background is different and life initially brought you to another direction!

If you want, you can!

Milva Carbonaro, GISIG Association

Look around you, there are many bright stars – female role models – working on Europe’s Space Programs Galileo and Copernicus. I met plenty of inspiring ladies. You can be one of them, too!

Kathrin Lenvain , Economic Development and Place Branding

There are no limits to what you can achieve if you believe in yourself and follow your passion.

Aida Monfort and Ditsuhi Iskandaryan, Geospatial Researchers at Geotec Group